“My thinking is clearer... I’m back to feeling more relaxed and social, more myself, than I’ve been in ages. My anxiety is the lowest I believe it’s ever been in my lifetime... It’s no exaggeration to say your therapies have saved my life.””
— Client with Childhood Trauma, Unresolved Grief and Depression
“It’s been so long, I don’t remember the last time I’ve had a headache. And I’ve had headaches all my life. ”
— Migraine sufferer
“Before Neurofeedback Therapy my anxiety made me never want to leave the house, stay away from large crowds and avoid restaurants. Although I was really skeptical of Neurofeedback Therapy and thought it would never work, I was willing to try anything. I never knew what it was like to actually feel like I was living until now. I now view things from a positive perspective and seem to get excited about going out and experiencing new things. This has been one of the best decisions I have made for myself and I am really excited about the future. ”
— Client with Anxiety Attacks
“After over a year of persistent pain, it was amazing to have relief after only two neurofeedback sessions. I have been able to walk stairs again and be as independent as I was before this all began.”
— Suffers from Osteoarthritis
“My marriage is saved and our relationship and communication improved tremendously thanks to Amy’s expertise doing EMDR, Neurofeedback and workshop. It is truly a good INVESTMENT in yourself, family, and significant other and less expensive and disruptive than a Divorce!”
— PTSD client
“For 35 years, Restless Legs Syndrome affected my sleep. It was frustrating. I felt like I couldn’t control my legs on a nightly basis. After my first neurofeedback session, I couldn’t sleep because I kept waiting for the restless feeling to begin. I didn’t think it was possible that the restless feeling would not be there! Now I sleep at night and the thought that the restless feeling will begin is no longer present. The biggest thing is the anxious thoughts went away too.”